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Russ 2024 It Was You All Along Tour Shirt

Russ 2024 It Was You All Along Tour ShirtIn her 2001 memoir, Heche wrote that her mother was in Russ 2024 It Was You All Along Tour Shirt about the alleged sexual abuse. For example, when she contracted genital herpes as an infant, her mother insisted that it was a diaper rash and refused to take her to a doctor. Heche also wrote that her father repeatedly raped her from the time she was an infant until she was 12. When she was asked, “But why would a gay man rape a girl?” in a 2001 interview with The Advocate, Heche replied, “I don’t think he was just a gay man. I think he was sexually deviant. My belief was that my father was gay and he had to cover that up. I think he was sexually abusive. The more he couldn’t be who he was, the more that came out of him in the ways that it did.”

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